Full-Day Hands-On Workshop in Bucharest, Romania
Saturday, November 16th, 2024, 09:00 a.m – 5:00 p.m
JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel, Calea 13 Septembrie 90, București 050726, Romania
Acest curs este destinat atat medicilor stomatologi cat si  si chirurgilor , celor care doresc sa invete  tehnici si tehnologii inovatoare care permit obtinerea rezultatelor previzibile  .
Vom invata cum putem avea un rezultat stabil folosind o tehnica noua si simpla de regenerare osoasa ,cum putem evita complicatiile restabilind volumul osos, fie ca e vorba de implant sau punte dentara.
Cursul este structurat in 3 capitole :
Capitolul 1 – in care vorbim despre indicatiile regenerarii alveolare postextractionale , devenita aproape obligatorii conform ultimelor studii . Fie ca e vorba de zona anterioara estetica , sau zona posterioara , regenerarea alveolara postextractioneala stabilizeaza inaltimea gingivala cu importanta in zona estetica, permite rezultat predictibil evitand augmentarile periimplantare, scurteaza etape de tratament.
Capitolul 2 – in care discutam cazuri clinice complexe ce ne arata potentialul regenerarii cu Augma bone cement, in zone infectate, dehiscente, sinus maxilar, rezorbtii periimplantare, implanturi inclinate (All-on-X, zigomatice, pterigoidiene).
Capitolul 3 – 10 lectii pentru acasa : ce trebuie sa schimbam pentru a obtine rezultat mai bun , dar si stabil:
- preoperator –analiza cazului ,
- intraoperator – tehnica chirurgicala tips & tricks,
- postoperator – tehnica de obtinere a gingiei atasate, esentiala pentru mentinerea sanatatii periimplantare.
The course is structured into 3 sections:
Section 1 – Post-extraction alveolar bone regeneration, indications and literature review. Anterior or posterior zone, bone regeneration offers better support for gingiva, predictable results, less surgical steps and less peri-implant augmentation.
Section 2 – We discuss clinical cases that highlight the significant potential of Augma bone cement in difficult cases such as infections, sinusitis, peri-implantitis, cysts and tilted implants.
Section – 10 lessons to take home:
What can we do to have better results?
Pre-operative assessments – a better case study.
During surgery – better technique.
Post-operative – a new approach to gaining attached gingiva.
Learning Objectives:
– How to minimally manipulate the surgical flap.
– How to eliminate the muscle’s influence on the stability of the graft.
– Bone cement application, techniques and protocols.
– Suturing and flap closure technique.
– How to predict outcomes during surgery.
Hands-On – Surgical Protocols
- Socket Grafting without flap reflection using 3D Bond+â„¢ and Augma Shieldâ„¢
- Socket Grafting with flap reflection using 3D Bond+â„¢.
- Lateral Ridge Augmentation using Bond Apatite
- Augmentation in the Aesthetic Zone
Speaker & Course Instructor (one of the below)
- Amos Yahav, DMD, Israel (Inventor of the Biphasic Calcium Sulfate)
- Michael Katzap, DDS, MAGD, DABOI, USA
- Robert Mogyoros, DMD, OMS, USA
- Jonathan Abenaim, DMD, DABOI, USA
- James B. Fine, DMD, USA
Read more about the speaker’s bio and clinical cases in Augma’s Bone Cement Expert page: Click here
Program Schedule:
08:30 a.m. – 09:00 a.m. – Refreshment Break
09:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – 1st Session
12:00 p.m. – 01:15 p.m. – Lunch
01:15 p.m. – 03:00 p.m. – 2nd Session
03:00 p.m. – 03:30 p.m. – Refreshment break
03:30 p.m. – 05:00 p.m. – 3rd Session
Special offer is offered during the course.
Seats are very limited.
Cancellation Policy
You may cancel your registration by notifying our registration department. Send an email to [email protected]. Cancellation request 45 days – full refund. 45-15 days – 50%. Cancellations received 15 days or less prior to the course will not be eligible for a refund. Unfortunately, we cannot offer exceptions to this policy.
Augma reserves the right to cancel all or part of the course should circumstances warrant such action. In the event of full cancellation, you will receive a full refund of the registration fee. Augma will not be responsible for any other damages.