Multiple teeth are extracted and implants are placed immediately. Bond Apatite® is placed above the implants and the flap is closed with tension. Augma Shield™ is placed above and sutured…

This case shows Augma Lift™ Scenario B, when there is 4mm or more of ridge height.

This video demonstrates the use of Augma Lift™ in cases with a ridge height of less than 4mm. In this surgery the osteotomy, sinus elevation and augmentation are performed.

This course covers 3 intra crestal sinus lift surgeries including treatment plan, live surgery without edits, X-ray post op and an extended Q&A session. Surgeries are performed by Dr. David…

The patient was 35 years old and came to the clinic for emergency treatment of tooth #21 (9). The tooth was fractured, mobile and infected. After examination we decided to…

The patient is a 40 year old female who came to the clinic with crowns on teeth #21 (9) & #11 (8) that are failing and show signs of infection.…

The patient is a 19 year old female, coming for implant treatment on #21 (9). Tooth #21 (9) is missing after a fall 10 years earlier. CBCT shows a very…

The first molar #30 (46) was extracted and augmentation was done with Augma Bond Apatite®. Re-entry for implant placement was 3 months post-op. Radiographic evaluation was done 3 and 6…

(15). In order to avoid lateral sinus lift procedure, the ridge was first reconstructed. Three months later, a minimally invasive intra-crestal sinus lift approach with immediate implant placement was performed.

The patient is a woman in her 50’s, who came a day before a family event for a fixed prothetelic supported by immediate implant placement. Canine in a classic vestibular…