The patient is a 70 year old, non smoking female. The edentulous area has a very thin lateral ridge. Decortication and augmentation were performed and the sutures were covered with…

The patient is a 69-year-old female that does not have bone in the posterior region. She has a removable chrome cobalt prothesis that she cannot get used to. The patient…

The patient is a healthy, 47-year-old man. The root of the tooth was horizontal broken because of trauma during a bicycle accident. There was no possibility of prosthetic restoration. 3…

Multiple teeth are extracted and implants are placed immediately. Bond Apatite® is placed above the implants and the flap is closed with tension. Augma Shield™ is placed above and sutured…

The patient is a healthy 46-year-old woman. She attended the consultation with pain and a fistula on the first right incisor. She also complained about her smile aesthetics. She wanted…

Case Description: The patient is a 54-year-old female. She is a heavy smoker with severe periodontal disease and needs full upper and lower rehabilitation with dental implants. Treatment Planning: CBCT,…

Sinus Lift Using Augma Lift™ and Augma Bone Graft Cement Augma is excited to introduce Augma Lift™ – a minimally-invasive technique for performing vertical sinus lift procedures starting from 1mm…

Sinus Lift Using Augma Lift™ and Augma Bone Graft Cement Augma is excited to introduce Augma Lift™ – a minimally-invasive technique for performing vertical sinus lift procedures starting from 1mm…

Sinus Lift Using Augma Lift™ and Augma Bone Graft Cement Augma is excited to introduce Augma Lift™ – a minimally-invasive technique for performing vertical sinus lift procedures starting from 1mm…

Sinus Lift Using Augma Lift™ and Augma Bone Graft Cement Augma is excited to introduce Augma Lift™ – a minimally-invasive technique for performing vertical sinus lift procedures starting from 1mm…