The patients is a 46-year-old female. In the front side of the mandible the first symptom was pain in teeth #31 (24) and #32 (23) similar to pulpitis. The X-rays…

The patient is a 78-year-old, female, non-smoker with controlled hypertension and thyroid problems. She wanted an implant in the area of tooth #41 (25). The treatment plan included the extraction…

She underwent prolonged periodontal treatment to manage her aggressive periodontal disease. Despite efforts, teeth #33 (22)- #43 (27) have been deemed hopeless due to extensive bone loss. The goal of…

The patient is a healthy, 59-year-old female. She presented with complaints of halitosis, difficulty chewing and embarrassment with her smile. The patient desires a new smile, to close the gap…

The patient is an 89-year-old female, ASA III. She presented with an unstable lower denture and pain on mastication. She has an atrophic mandible. Part one was to place interforamina…

The treatment plan includes the extraction of both teeth, the immediate placement of 2 implants using a surgical guide for the start drill, and an alveolar bone graft. Immediate loading…

The patient presented with a broken, right, maxillary lateral. The treatment plan included socket shield, augmentation with Bond Apatite® and immediate implant. The patient is aware of other issues but…

She had an old mandibular removable partial prothesis and 8 remaining teeth, most of them with big unesthetic reconstructions and a type III occlusion positioning. The patient also wanted a…

In this case the patient was gluing in her teeth and wanted a new smile. She had massive cysts and minimal bone. With the help of Augma Bond Apatite® we…

Root resection was completed with backfill of the root canals with MTA in teeth #32 (23), 31 (24), 41 (25), 42 (26). The tumor was removed with peripheral bone curettage…