The plan involves the placement of 2 pterygoid implants, 4 zygomatic and one anterior implant in the remaining bone. Bond Appetite® filling the bone defects, for enlarging the bone width…

Due to the lack of bony support in the lower jaw, and the mobility of the teeth, it was decided to extract all of the teeth and move to an…

The patient is a 56 year old female, healthy & nonsmoking. Presented with a mobile bridge in her upper front left region. The distal abutment of the bridge was a…

a case of severe bone loss around failed implants, that served for about 15 years and were recently grouped together with a metal bar in order to support an upper…

treatment of #37 (18) and extraction of #36 (19) due to deep periodontal pocket with active secretion and furcation involvement. The tooth was extracted atraumatically, and an implant was placed…