The patient presented with difficulties in chewing and problems with self esteem. She no longer wanted to use a removable prosthesis and had severe maxillar atrophy.

Quad -Zygoma using Extra Maxillary Approach in conjunction to Bond Apatite®, reducing trauma and avoiding complications on Full Arch clinical cases.

The patient presented with reduced dimension of the vertical bone after using a removable prosthesis for 20 years. The treatment plan included 2 retro-molar implants, 2 zygomatic implants and 4…

This video shows extractions, immediate placement and augmentation with bone cements.

Extractions and ridge reconstruction of the maxilla with immediate implant placement.

The patient came with aesthetical problems, difficulty with chewing and failure of most of his remaining teeth. The treatment plan involved complete maxillary teeth extraction, 7 immediate implants, bone grafting…

In this video the right maxillary canine is extracted and Biphasic Calcium Sulfate is used for socket preservation. A collagen sponge is used to cover the graft during healing, and…

A patient came to the office complaining of the mobility of the old bridges, located in the anterior maxillary segment. With Bond Apatite we were able to fill gaps and…

The patient needed implants in the maxilla. Lateral ridge augmentation was completed, and three months later three implants were placed in new, vital bone. At the time of implants more…